Triplet Jogging Stroller
For those of you that are considering a jogging stroller for your infant or toddler, you may have noticed the choice is more than overwhelming. Each different brand range and model seems to offer a variation on standard jogging stroller themes and features, which just adds to your selection confusion.

Baby Trend has a full selection of jogging strollers which have stood the test of time with parents and reviewers alike. Their flagship Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Stroller range includes the Expedition LX Single Jogger, the Expedition Double Jogging Stroller and the Expedition LE Jogger Travel System. In designing this range of joggers, Baby Trend has really kept focus on delivering features that parents demand and which are core necessities within this class of stroller, ensuring that the resulting jogger meets the demands of parents actually using it for jogging and off-road purposes.

One of the most important requirements for any manufacturer of jogging stroller is to get the wheels and tires right due to the fact that parents simply use jogging strollers differently and in different conditions than normal strollers. Something so seemingly obvious is neglected with so many jogging strollers available in the market today.

Jogging strollers need to travel at a greater speed than a normal stroller, meaning that the wheel design needs to be different to ensure maximum stability and emergency stopping. Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Strollers address these safety requirements in a number of different ways.

The rear wheel base itself is wider, acting similar to attaching training wheels on your toddler's bicycle. Under cross wind or undulating terrain surfaces, this prevents the Expedition Jogger from tipping over. The overall streamlined design of the Expedition Jogger also adds to its stability capabilities.

The tires themselves are air filled and similar to bicycle tires which prevents the jogger from unduly lifting off from the ground when you hit a bump or stone. Solid rubber or solid compound tires magnify the 'bounce' on hitting a hard object.
For those of you that are considering a jogging stroller for your infant or toddler, you may have noticed the choice is more than overwhelming. Each different brand range and model seems to offer a variation on standard jogging stroller themes and features, which just adds to your selection confusion.

Baby Trend has a full selection of jogging strollers which have stood the test of time with parents and reviewers alike. Their flagship Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Stroller range includes the Expedition LX Single Jogger, the Expedition Double Jogging Stroller and the Expedition LE Jogger Travel System. In designing this range of joggers, Baby Trend has really kept focus on delivering features that parents demand and which are core necessities within this class of stroller, ensuring that the resulting jogger meets the demands of parents actually using it for jogging and off-road purposes.

One of the most important requirements for any manufacturer of jogging stroller is to get the wheels and tires right due to the fact that parents simply use jogging strollers differently and in different conditions than normal strollers. Something so seemingly obvious is neglected with so many jogging strollers available in the market today.

Jogging strollers need to travel at a greater speed than a normal stroller, meaning that the wheel design needs to be different to ensure maximum stability and emergency stopping. Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Strollers address these safety requirements in a number of different ways.

The rear wheel base itself is wider, acting similar to attaching training wheels on your toddler's bicycle. Under cross wind or undulating terrain surfaces, this prevents the Expedition Jogger from tipping over. The overall streamlined design of the Expedition Jogger also adds to its stability capabilities.

The tires themselves are air filled and similar to bicycle tires which prevents the jogger from unduly lifting off from the ground when you hit a bump or stone. Solid rubber or solid compound tires magnify the 'bounce' on hitting a hard object.